Showing posts with label antifa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antifa. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2021

A World Of Clowns Crooks And Mountebanks


Clowns & Crooks

There they are at the G7, the most powerful politicians of the world, clowning it up  for the cameras with "arm-bumps," only to hug and back slap off stage. What a venal crew of mountebanks, to say nothing of the agitprop arm of the State, corporate media, which laps it up.

Is anyone fooled? Yes indeed they are, note the Left, which is now firmly on the side of Big Pharma, Big State, and big loss of freedom. Wear your mask! Our sponsors demand it! Speaking of which, surely it's time for BLM/ANTIFA to put corporate logos on their riot gear, like Nascar but radical revolutionary with it. 


You can imagine the gushing reportage, "Today's peaceful protest burned down Baltimore's Inner Harbor in an act of solidarity with oppressed transsexual people of color everywhere, brought to you by Bank of America and Pfizer." Pan out to eatery on fire and a rainbow flag waving gaily in the victorious dollar-driven winds of profit.

Maybe the Enemy will die Laughing

But not to worry, our military's finally being repurposed to face the greatest threat facing America. Not China, Russia, Islamic terrorists, space aliens (what? stay tuned...), inflation, poverty, ballooning crime, stagnant wages, a pathetic standard of education, 5th Column nihilist revolutionaries, the breakdown of the family, and a government run by corrupt, multi-millionaire, self-serving, stooge oligarchs of the NWO. Is that the threat? No, that's it is not, it's climate change and a lack of "diversity."

Well Done Nottingham

What utter, shameless, errant,  bought-and-paid-for malfeasance. Still, in the midst of this florescence of chicanery, Nottingham appears to have got it right. Thanks, Jules, for the uplift.



Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Sunday Sermon

Shadow LSP

Conversation in the sacristy before Mass #2 went like this:

"Have you seen the video of the Portland execution last night?"
"Another shooting?"
"Yes, dude rolled up on a skateboard and shot a Trump supporter who was crossing the road."
"Yes, they cheered afterwards."
"Keep this going on and there's gonna be pushback, serious pushback."

A beautiful unicorn

Said the former artillery officer. "Let's think happy thoughts before church," replied the MC who's also a retired rodeo star, bronc. Not being slow to listen to the laity I replied, "As in unicorns, rainbows and bunnies?" The MC, who gives as good as he gets, wasn't slow either, "Just say your prayers, LSP."

A typical defense rifle

Here endeth the Lesson and while we're at it, "Get thee behind me Satan!" Vade retro Satana! 

Be brave and rebuke the unclean spirit, a murderer from the beginning and Father of Lies. Say no to the world, the flesh and Devil, say yes to the Way of the Cross, of sacrificial love which is the way of light and life.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Kent State 2.0

All of us have defining moments in life, momentous events that shape our vision of reality, for good or ill. For some, and for example, it was World War II, for others it was Vietnam or one of the wars that followed, and we're still fighting. For others again it was Woodstock and the civil rights movement.

Let's cut to the chase. Today's Left are trying to emulate and relive the antics of their forebears. They want another Kent State. They want the forces of law and order to shoot them so they can say abolish the law because it's against the law. Yes, Satan is incoherent, but here's the thing. 

There is no grassroots proletarian revolution, there hardly ever was. There is a movement of privileged, corporate sponsored radicals who, for whatever reason, wish to destroy everything. In other words, this uprising like its Marxist forerunners is nihilist astroturf, it cares nothing for working people.

In the meanwhile, our LE has shown superhuman restraint by not opening up and solving this nasty little gordian knot in the very few minutes it'd take. 

Can you imagine, punters, all those undercover feds "friends" suddenly not being so friendly. I know, bizarre. Good luck BLM/ANTIFA. 

Crush the NWO serpent underheel,

Your Friend,


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Revolution Starts At Chicken Time

Black Lives Matter? Oh yes, especially in Bristol where they threw a brazen Edward Colston into the river, and replaced the racist excrescence with a fiberglass monument to zhir power. But hey, it's all a larf 'til you wake up and playtime's over.

Use your words! Oh my, behold the K-12 voice of the Revolution.

Power to Zhirpeople,


Saturday, May 18, 2019

Civil War

Everyone's asking the question, are we heading for civil war? And you can see why, the country's aggressively polarized, partly thanks to the descendants of the 19th century radicals, today's cultural Marxists who press hard to destroy the societal values of the West.

"We will make the West so corrupt it stinks," declaimed Munzenberg, and the long march through the institutions has done just that. Religion, family, once-given codes of right and wrong, ethics, have been eroded and attacked to the point at which we now think that a mother killing her child in the womb is somehow normal, or that a chemically altered man is a woman.

Past generations would have been appalled and were. They overthrew the 1919 Marxist rebellion in Hungary, not least because Catholics objected to Lukacs' radical sex-ed. Likewise Spain, which didn't want to be ruled by a murderous crew of god-hating Anarcho-Marxists. 

Russia herself, epicenter of the revolution, finally had enough and kicked their red rulers out of power, now they're building 1000 and more churches a year. Action led to reaction, which brings us to now.

People are starting to wake up and say no; trans bathroom privileges, catering to 0.6% of the population at best, aren't the "greatest civil rights issue of our time," thank you, Biden. 

And neither are hundreds of thousands of immigrants somehow helpful to the American working class. Abortion at the point of birth isn't healthcare, more like murdercare, and people get it.

This leads to fightback. On the one hand, revolutionary nihilists working to destroy a culture they despise and hate, and on the other, people who believe in the values and ethics of Western civilization. Like, mothers, don't kill your babies.

So conflict's inevitable and we're seeing it now, but civil war? A shooting war between right and left, between trads and revolutionaries? 

The rhetoric's there, for sure, so are diametrically opposed ideologies and all the fervor therein. But actual fighting? Good question and who'd do it, Antifa v. Proud Boys? Hardly. A grass roots leftist ghetto rebellion? Try not to laugh. But what about this.

USGOV runs out of money because it's TRILLIONS of dollars in debt and then, lo and behold, it can't pay the Army. What happens then. 

See 5th Century Rome.

Your Buddy,


Sunday, August 5, 2018

The Hippies Went Down To Portland

Well, well, well, the hippies went down to Portland. Some of them were going to abolish ICE and the nation's borders because, you know, without a border there'll be an anarcho-syndicalist revolution that's gonna overthrow the Man.

Grace Slick With Some Deadbeat

So the hippies set up a camp outside the ICE house and stayed there forever because Portland's Democrat Mayor wouldn't let the police arrest the filthy, thieving, unclean, aggressive, reeking hippies. Then the Man told them to go and off they went but they left this, en lieu of overthrowing the State.

A Typical Hippie Encampment

Here's the Wall Street Journal:

Along the trolley tracks behind the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement field office, a biohazard cleanup crew works under police protection. It finds used needles and buckets of human waste simmering in nearly 100-degree heat. The smell of urine and feces fills the block. For more than five weeks, as many as 200 people had occupied the site to demand ICE’s immediate abolition. They’re gone now, but a community is left reeling. Thirty-eight days of government-sanctioned anarchy will do that.

1st Battalion Garbage Cans

In related news, violent hippies tried to stop Patriot Prayer in Portland and deployed the 1st Battalion Garbage Cans. 1 BGC failed to live up to promise and ran away in the face of "flash bangs." 


Whether they duct taped their garbage cans together for waste disposal is currently unclear.



Saturday, July 14, 2018


There's a new movement in town, #WalkAway, in which people describe their journey out of the Party. It's a big thing, echoing the success of Trump in what used to be blue states during the election. But why would anyone walk away from the Democrats?

Well That's Normal #WalkAway

Not because of the weirdness, surely, or the "everything you don't like is Hitler," or the "we hate anyone who isn't part of the Party," or the lies, cronyism, hypocrisy and nihilism of the left.

#WalkAway's been branded as a fake astroturf movement full of Russian bots, spies and double agents. 

Typical Russian Collusion

Unh Hunh, a bit like President Trump himself, the notorious Kremlin agent who had the shameless, brazen temerity to defeat Hillary in an election. Like, how dare he?

Despite #WalkAway's forest fire, grass roots success some people keep can't break their allegiance to the Party. Here's a video.

And here's Wictor's analysis. I'd be careful if I was a member of Antifa, just imagine all those slender undercover feds at your next revolutionary meeting to overthrow the Man.

Your Pal,


Monday, August 14, 2017

Melania Mondays!

Perhaps you've forgotten that it's Melania Mondays!, what with all the statue disturbance going on. Nothing quite like destroying a statue to establish a brave new world globalist utopia, eh? Open borders, TPP, anyone? Occupy Soros, you risible, amnesiac hippies.

Regardless, here at the Compound we most certainly haven't forgotten about the best day of the week. That's right, Monday, Melania Monday

And guess what, America's popular First Lady hasn't been idle, far from it. She's taken a stand for decency, denouncing the recent violence in Charlottesville on social media, “Our country encourages freedom of speech, but let's communicate w/o hate in our hearts. No good comes from violence.”

Well said, FLOTUS. Take note, Soros-funded fauxtrage; peace and love, please. And remember this. Message to market, /our guys know how to shoot. But that's not all.

Melania's popularizing heels. 8" big time. Good work, Melania. Right in the X Ring.

First Lady, you look good. Thank you for doing your part to make America great again.